July 24, 2022 New functions have been added to the DigiSwap application. The new function button: By using the application's shutter, it is now possible to take higher quality pictures (12 megapixels of still images) while checking the images being taken. In addition, video can be switched between 4K and HD, and the FPS can be set at the user's discretion. Sound recording is also possible.
May 28, 2022 DigiSwap application has been improved. Contrast and saturation can now be adjusted in the settings screen when taking still images
The end of our campaign and thanks a million!
Dear backers,
Our campaign is finally done.
Thank you so much for your huge support and love.
We can't wait to make our products you will definitely love!
We will start to provide you with the reward survey soon so hope you will reply it when available.
Best regards,
April 11, 2022
We will launch on April 11 at 23:00 Japan time on Kickstarter.
March 31, 2022
The launch date has been decided. On Aprill 11th we will launch our Kickstarter campaign. You can sign up here to be notified on the campaign launch:
September 10, 2021
We are currently preparing for the product launch.
If you register your email, we will inform you as soon as the launch date is decided.